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My Part !!!! 


At first I was a spectator, experiencing the excitement and speed from the stands. Through talking to people, making friends and a little persistence the season of 2000 I was hired on as one of the Burnout Board/Box Specialist.

Burnout Board Specialist

What's a Burnout Board Specialist, you say!

I opened and closed a steel gate at the speed of sound. Rocks flying and that smell of burning rubber is really a no, no for a girl's complexion. Oh yes, there was a broom? I think it might of been easier on my back to fly it than push it. I must say, I did have the best seat in the house on race day.


This job can be high stress. I had to be quick and pay attention. The repetition was helpful and thank goodness I had some background in the difference between a hammer and a wrench. A good ol' spit polish after every pass made our car sparkle and with the hint of rain, I was proud to carry the big blue rain tarp to the staging lanes. Oh and who needs gym equipment when you can push a racecar. Thanks! Dale for making my dream come true.


As for the future one just never knows ..... me a driver? Anything is possible.

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